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Monday - Friday: 9:30am - 4:30pm CST
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What is this app anyway?

Papertrail helps you record, organize, and display valuable records and investments you've had with your car:

  • As your project goes, you record each event like services and modifications with all the details you want.
  • When you want to show it off we generate a webpage for your car.
  • Great for shows or listings.When the car goes to a new owner, we can transfer all records to a new owner.
Who gets to put in those records?

Right now, you - and you do it through our app. We are growing a network of shops that can put it in directly for you too, so look out for that in the future.

Who sees my records?

Just you (with some exceptions, see in the end), unless you publish the records with our "presentation" feature, and everyone with a link to the presentation can see your records, like this.If you do so, you can choose whether to disclose your VIN, investment amount, and names of parties working on each job; you can also add explanations and descriptions.Exceptions: With your authorization, our customer support team may see your records. We also may use anonymized data in our backend.

What if someone falsifies or omits important records?

They get banned if they do it on purpose. However, though we do our best to enforce our policies, it's still important for each user to protect themselves. Therefore, we encourage that:

  • When putting in records, you give as much verifiable details and images as possible. If there's a new part installed, take pictures of each step, or at least the part installed on the car. If a shop did it, include the paperworks with verifiable results.
  • When seeing records, you verify each record carefully by cross-referencing the photos and details, or contact the shop that did those tasks. If you are in a buying-and-selling setting, we strongly recommend you to get a pre-purchase inspection and give the Papertrail to the shop to verify each item, or personally verify them. We help but do not replace full due diligence.

At the end of the day, abuses of our platform is very rare, but please do your due diligence to prevent fraud. Contact us if you are unsure about anything!

A photo of two mobile phones each showing a different page from the Papertrail Auto app

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